SUNDAY MORNING'S NEWS. graving for Illustrated Papers." Other lect avwtfUf tsaturday ures ot this course are: Mr, Lorado lait, excepted. "Sunday excepted, iiloniiny DOCTRESS MUELLER. 65; I MONROE-ST. HOME for ladies before and during confinement: skill-ful; confidential; terms reasonable.
Adopts infants excepted. iL'aiiv Processes of Sculpture the Rev. A. W. and than von jrwrnity, and we WESTERN.
TO RENT DESIRABLE Ht)CSES AND FLATS IN the different divisions of the city at greatly reduced rents; send for or see our list before renting. BRADLEV. 1H) La Salle-st. WXBT SIDB. rpO RENT DESIRABLE HOUSES AND FLATS IN A the differentdivisions of the city at greatly reduced rents; send for or see our list before renting.
BA1RD BRADLEF. SKI La Salle-ST. Patten, PorniHjian Art" (stereopticon) Miss Rose Fay, Decorative Mr. Walter C. Larned, Life and Works of Millet (stereooticon) Mr.
W. M. R. French, National Character and National Art." wcta. DIVISION.
uia iia.1 we sow T. It nrvi i 170R SALK-Bt" ROOFING. ALL KINDS OF TAR AND GRAYEI? BOOFINrt done and old roofs repaired by J. WILKES FORD 'A and 03 West Washington-st. 3200.
cor Tweuty-second-st. Salle-st. a. xa la A. rnsmati.
UWIBessi Wisconsin Central Depot corner of Polk street and Fifth avenue. City ticket offices, 206 Clark street. Palmer House, Grand Pacific Hotel. Thirty-flrst-st. i story and basement octaeon-front brick dwelling.
13 rooms, and lot UxUQ feet, west front on ve no synipathy I going to punish thieves and har-e place with the itrfTAGK Hocev. Ilrunaist. Notes. A. J.
Pickerincr has returned from the West Seot. eor. Leave. Arrive. Cvi'" 18.
Monroe, 1SU feet of this Tiot tof tiw per fo.u it i7 ne of 88 residence localities on -ay cheap U8ht se" once-its 'fferedveV and is again at his studio, 34 Monroe street. ue jA believe thev an Mr. Burne Joues has taken a new departure Keuertng, North Side. S0016- 8603-Abert J. 1 MISCELLANEO US.
ADVANCE STEEL HOT-AIR FURNACEsTaLSO steel air-heaters, for hard or soft coal, to heat large rooms or small houses without expense of air pipes, registers, etc Send for circulars to Chicago A Erie Stove Company, 173 Lake-st. TJROCADE AND PLUSH DOLMANS MADE INTO J3 short wraps, which will please you in fit. work in his artistic experiments and is carving in hard plaster. rpo RENT-200 (iOETHk-ST NEAR THE LAKK- ves and harlots up a warning got a sin give ft -M udern. Shore drive new, and convenient; low rent.
Call at house. An art societ under the Presidency of Mr. St. Paul A Minneapolis St. Paul A Minneapolis Eau Claire Chippewa Falls Eau Claire A Chippewa Falls Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Oshkosh, Fond du Lac A Neenah Oshkobh, Fond du Lac A Neenah.
Ashland, Lake Superior a 3:00 a 3:00 nlOtisJ a 3:00 rn -n a 5:00 a 3:00 (110:30 a pm 7:00 a 12:55 12:55 pm 7 :00 a 10:40 am 12:55 pm 7:00 a 12:55 KENT HOUSE 371 Walter C. Larned, has been formed at Lake Forest. TL barns, south tronts. all modern conveniences stone Jteps and sidewalks, lot TSxl.iU. fronts on Puion Pa i rents cheap now.
as tliey were rented in the mid lie of the year; not one mile from Court-Houso: a areat ruHnitl, Tnese hoes cost ufmSi SSS lots and houses for tu.Wi. NEAR bathroom: convenient 8 rooms and ETTL1NGER Furrier, lOOState- manship, and price. and in good order: rent J25. 2d floor. The Senatorial and Speakership Contests Creating a Widespread Interest What the Candidates Are Doing A Hotel Fire on Wabash Avenue New-Year's Day Imperils Many Lives The Juail-Eating Contest Concluded torcign Miscellany.
Gov. Oglesby officially notified the Illinois politicians who were present in Washington Saturday that he would not be a candidate for the Senatorship, and the contest is consequently somewbat narrowed down. Senator Cullom's preferences are not yet known, but it Is the opinion of the Illinoisans who visited Washington that so far as possible he desires to keep out of the fight and link his fortunes with no one candidate. At Springfield the Speakership and the Senatorship are dwarfing every other interest. The Mr.
Louis Juersenscn, a well-known and South, 4341, cor. Gordon Ritter PW Aoternisn. Drnginsts. vi.AV.. 8401.
cor. Twenty-fonrth-st. H. W. Pharmacist and Chemist.
3037. cor. Thirty-flrst-st. -Judson Crt)W Jacobus, Druggist. 361.
cor. Harrison Albert E. Keichel 2774-F. List. BaESri 8190 J.
Holthoefer, Dmpglst. 3640-Truman, Druggist and Chemist. 123-J. H. Simms.
Book- WM. C. DO 10 Tribune Building. i -u I lgwii BATHS, MASSAGE, SULPHUR VA-JCj oor, lobster, ocean brine, plain, and medicated successful student of the art school, left Chicago last week for Paris, where he expects to study for two years. till.
baths; polite and skinea attenuants. noomi 14 and 15 Japanese Building. 243 State-st- 9to8. rPG RENT DESIRABLE HOUSES AND FLATS IN A tbedifferentdivislons of the eitv at greatly reduced rents; sond for or see our list before renting. BAIRD BRADLEY.
i La Salle-st. proached The heirs of the late Baron Meyer Charles aDaily. ii Except Sunday. Chicago Kastern lUinoii Railroad. Ticket offices, 64 Clark Palmer House, and Grand Pacific Hotel.
Depot. between State and Clark-sts. ANTED 1 e5t tn Chicago. M.w-hrame house. 2-storv and basement 11 improvements, fronting "outh; IS Py- one-half or alt down: one ana a half blocks from Union Park on WarrSn.av.; tl'ts fs as CTer uld ln Chicago; no U3B0 -Brick basement house of 15 roomi, lot 25xs to alley, east front, all modern improvements, in Hrst-class repa r.
on near Mad son "this and stationers. sellers rtjiRTT-KIKM cor Wallace orsytn p.mRSI A liberal price will be paid for showing the rii de Rothschild of Frankfort will establish a museum containing the works of art belonging to the deceased. It will be particularly rich goldsmiths' work. id. i TO RENT FLATS.
uuday Mr. Parrw the eiders of th CHICAGO TRIBUNES Near Athens the American school has laid WEST SIDE. RENT fl-BOOM FLAT AT 680 WEST MADI- st been taken on I by the pre3by- bare the Theatre of Loricum, opposlt I. annum and the mines. It was built in the fifth century.
VTW0K 1 ll-A Diw, souinwpsi cor. flrst-st. J. A. Braun.
Druenin. i RASH-A 1 7 Thomas Law rence. Newsdealer. 1734 -Soren, Mathison Co Pre-tcription Omgifists. ICT I1 VI8ION-, Pouth.
134. cor. Adams James B1 Kirkiey Druasixts. bath-room: convenient, and in good or- property pays per cent net now; rents for fa ner nnl their own repairs: "teJggHh at terms half or al! cash in. 7 kry brick uous rooms, lot 25x 10U: on terms easv.
Of the following dates of OCTOBER. 1SSC: Qer. for Speaker are shrewdly endeavor WM. C. DOW.
10 Tribune Bulldlng. PIlJI'M' The stage arrangements appear to have been of 10:30 this morn-any of the elder. 10. 14, 15, 16. 18, 19.
22. and 23. woou ana nave perisnea. The seats ror tne audience were rudely cut from the rocky hillside. NORTH SIDE.
DESIRABLE 7-ROOM FLATS ON near Dearborn; tine location: every 1 est, app-nice cnaeiier. fPO RENT A lor Jirooul trn' house In good order; lot west tront. on near 30th: lront of house: terms to suit buyer. in cor. MarshHeld-aT.
West. 703. Ihe Cleveland Pedagogical Society hu Address or call on Leave. Arrive. Danville A Terre Haute Man 8:00 a 6:25 pra Evansville A Indianapolis 5 Nashville A Southern Fast 5 Cairo Through Car Line 4:15 pm 7:05 am Momence l'assenger 6:15 pm Kankakee Line Depots foot of Lake-st.
and foot of Twenty-second-t. Ticket offices at depots and 124 lUndoiph-iL, Ijjrand Pac.nt Hotel, and Palmer House. Leave. Arrive. Cincinnati.
Indianapolis A Louls- vllle Day Express 9:10 a 6:50 Lo Night Express 5 8:00 pm 6:30 am p. .1. 1 rue. Druecist. the resignation, Iter as quiet as convenience and janitor services.
WM. C. DOW, lii 'l rlbttne BtUldtng. CASHIER. Tribune Co.
taken up the question of urging art patrons with fine galleries to throw them onen to the ounils of ouses, lota each to alley, fronting wt. on West, 378. near isoble-Jobn Ritten Druggist. nIK-fi-. West, 0S8.
northwest cor. Paulina R. Mill Urnool.t T. Sill. IM UESIst.
ernon-ay near terms to suit i the high school occasionally. The necessity of i TO RENT ROOMS. letting art interest permeate the education of CL'LLERTON 3 LA Salle-st A larffe anion or rtf ru.i wt nortbwet cor. Lincon West, 724. UUUn tne young is beginning to be widely recognized.
Ambreclit Druralsts. SOUTH SIDE. An English traveler writes to the JAansji West, ISO. southwest cor. Halsted KENT 14 ELD IDG E-COURT PARLOR ra ui nil' khm.
TO Ac of this city, suburban towns, country, Western states and Territories for sale or exchange: those desiring to dispose of property or equity therein are requested to call. Prompt attention given to sale, cart, payment of taxes, or exchange of propertv at moderate ratee. oor. en suite or single, also basement furnished The atten.l to warn his countrymen that the Spaniards are destroying much of the architectural delights of for housekeeping: rent reasonable. Kbert's Pharmacy.
Wesu 876. cor. Morgan Dell Co, iflRTBragglst s. West. 4BO, cor.
Loomls Gaizalo ariuhajck. DrusKisrs. STATE LINE To Glasgow, Liverpool, Dublin. Belfast, and Londonderry from New York every Thursday. Cabin passage.
$35 and $40, according to location of stateroom Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates. JOHN BLEU EN. 166 Western Manager. AUSTIN, BALDWIN A 53 Broadway. New York.
a journey inrougn spain by elaborate restorations. The Cathedral of Leon is made over inta vs. ur I iu EASTERN. SALE- OUK JANUARY CAT Al.Od fl OF FOR pro were made something that it never was before, and the res property for sale mailed free on application. West, 673, cor.
Ogden-ar. Max BA1RI) BRADLEY, 0 La Salle-st. toration disease is spreading to other towns. Taylor, William TORENT STORES, OFFICES, etc Stores. to rent 662 wrest madison-st.
with basemeut and good brick stable; also6-room flat. WM. C. DOW, ill Tribune Building. and Porter.
The The Art Age for the current month contains West side. Behrpns, urugtnst. MlDlSON-sT. est, 641. cor.
Paulina H. F.Kraft, Droeaist. West, 823. cor. Hoyne-ay.
Chas. J. rnie. DructiS'. by the Rev.
UOR SALE WES'r ACHES Pennsylvania lines f'hioafro, Bf. Louie Plttsburer Railroad, Pan-Handle Route Fort Wayne CUicaso iiail-way, Fort Wayne Route. Express trains depart from and arrive at Union Passenger station, Madison and Standard Time. Ticket Offices, 65 Clark-st, Union Passenger Station, Grand Pacific Hotel, and Palmer House. JL We have a choice 40-acre trnet invliln th.
nit.v MADISON West, 1003. cor. Wetern-ay. Rice very inviting for subdivision. It will be sold below current prices.
BOGLE HOYT. some most homelike and graceful drawings of original furniture by Francis H. Kacon, accompanied with comprehensive and clear explanatory notes. There is a quiet criticism of the Acad, eray Exhibition, a sketch of Siddons, Mowbray, and A. F.
Bunner, and a quantity of art and liter TO RENTMISCELLANEO US. a Tirren. umugists. sILWAl KF.E-A 206 and 20B. cor.
Halsted-st. Room 1. second Boor. KOBTS SIDE. EACH.
WITH rpo RENT-TWO ROOMS. SOX 100 GEO. S. Miller Drugalsis. Yii WAt 4B3.
Ilenrv Schroeder. Drug- i i U'll'k KK- A 83. I Bis J. power and steam heat, suitable for anv kind of aii gossip. BALE N.
FACING LINCOLN JL Park Weil built il-rrotn ilLWAl 1318. corner Robey-sL O. Burne Jones, who left the London Society sethness, DruKifist. ncnrN-A Kred. I Pierce.
Drnesiist. house, neatly papered and in oerfect order: new (1 fWa furnace, as fixtures, stationary washstnnde. hath. West, 422 F. A.
Drueirlst. manufacturing; splendid light. Apply to ROTH ait Mc.VlAUON, corner Clinton and Chica-EQ. UL rpo RENT-DOCK PROPERTY ON THE NORTn A Side, ready for occupancy: Chicago, Milwaukee Paul R. R.
track. GKEENKBAL'M SONS, 116 and 118 La Salie-st. RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS EXPLANATION Olf RKFEKENOB MAItKS tSatUr- day excepted. Sunday excepted. tMoaday except-tUaU'- WESTERN.
Oil on go. Milwaukee St. Paul Railway. Union Passenger Station, corner Madison, Canal, and Adams-sts. For maps, time tables, iieeplng-car berths, through tickets, apply at city offices, 63 Palmer House, Grand Pacific Hotel, and at Depot.
screens, house 30x40: a bargalu if taken atonce; terms easy. WM. A. MKRltiOLD, 18.1 i. Salle-st.
fAS west, eas, cor. Lanin c. l. of Water-Colors iu dudgeon some sixteen years ago, has returned to tho fold, and with him cornea Sir F. W.
Barton, who left at the same time. Tha one has constantly added to his reputation as an artist; the other has practically deserted painting for other fields. i sncv. uruiririst. US West 744, cor.
Bobey Charles OR SALE-DOCK PROPERTY ON THE NORTH Side ready for occuoancr: i- guaranteed for E. Button. DMumt NORTH DIVIPIOW fix) RENT PACKING HOLSB AND MARKET, the Germicide, J03 St. Paul Railway track. GREENEBAUM SONS.
11 and IIS alle-st. The exhibition at Paris in 1S89 will be held A fila and bit s. 8 Uo-irs. ttaflOO feet. rLABW-T- North.
123. cor. Ohio Gale BlockU I i- large smoking bouse. WILLIAM C. DOW, 10 Trlb- nne Knilili ng.
Leave. I Arrive. ing to stave off the Senatorial question until after organization Wednesday, so that their own interests may not be lost sight of. Messiek is rinding strong support from Southern Illinois. Littler is said to have nearly all the Cook County members.
It is understood that C. B. Farwell will go to Springfield to look over the field Wednesday night, or as soon as the Speakership is settled. Col. Abner Taylor will probably look after Mr Farwell's interests in the Senatorial fight.
Some of Farwell's supporters claim that the estimate of thirty-two votes for him on the first ballot in caucus ia far too low, and that he has friends in the central and western portions of the State who had been left out of the calculation. An estimate of forty-five votes on the first ballot would not, bis friends think, be too high. Ex-Uov. John M. Hamilton has not yet made up bis mind as to whether he will be a candidate.
He does not tnink himself sufficiently rich to quit his iaw practice, which, he claims, realized $10,000 last year. Clark E. Carr, Gen. Henderson, Congressman Cannon, and Congressman Payson have each their quota of supporters, while the name of Robert T. Lincoln has been strongly by not a few.
It is now thought probable that Mrs. Logan will consent to the burial of the deceased General on the site in the Lake Park which has been tendered, free of all restriction, by the City Council. The Washington subscription for the "benefit of Mrs. Logan amounted Saturday to abont $40,000, and the same day Mrs. Logan received $0,500 as the result of the first day subscription in Chicago.
Thomas Stevens, the bicyclist who has for the last three years been on a tour around the jrlobe, has reached the end of his journey, and will be in San Francisco within about two weeks, where be wiil be banqueted by the local bicvele clubs. Fred Wittrock, alias "Jim Cummings," the Adams express-car robber, was- turned over to the Chief of Police of St. Louis Saturday by Robert Pinkerton, after a satchel containing $40,000 of the stolen money had been handed over to the Adams Express Company. Wittrock claims to have carried out the robbery alone, and maintains that Fotheringhom is innocent. There is still some $7,000 or missing, of which the Pinker-tons expect to recover the greater portion.
Oscar Cook was placed under arrest Saturday at Kansas City on charges of receiving money and valuables obtained in the express-car robbjery. The trial of the Rev. Waldo Messaros at Philadelphia for seduction and attempted rape resulted in a verdict of not guilty after ten hours' deliberation by the jury. Dwight L. Moody is busily engaged trying to find a site for his proposed training-school for missionaries.
The $250,000 needed has all been subscribed, and the institution will probably be located on the West Side. The Laclede Hotel and the Newberry Furniture Company's store, at the southeast corner of Van Buren street and Wabash avenue, were se HJiKK- l' Nrth, 449. cor. Division A. P.
Cowan. Drnawla. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. i LARK North, 874, cor. Webster-ay.
Fran Ml :30 am WANTED TO RENT. in three buildings, occupying the sides of tha Champs de Mars. On the fourth, or river side, the great tower will rise, in case that project ia carried through against the protests of land-owners in the vicinity and those Parisians who ap. predate the folly of such a structure. Gne of the three buildings will be kept for machinery and the two long structures on the sides for gen a 7.05 in 'in 'tarn a 3:00 E.
PiNKHAM'S Schrage. Druggist. 9S4-llenry SchsBer. USCOl.N-AV., 420 Blschoffs Pharmacy. LU.C01.S-AV..
722. John A. Braun. FOR SALE WOODLAWN RIDGE HOUSES-On Monday after New Year's we will have detailed plans in our office of the six houses now building in Myrtle and Lincoln-nvs. at tLlth-st.
OR ROOM FLAT. ANTED TO RENT A 4 thin fifteen minutes' walk of Court-Houso. tT Wi 0 7 .00 a TABLE ml4 They win oe ottered tor sale at less than the aver B. ti. GARDNER, East Ki le-st nGLEWCOT Cor.
Wentworth-ar. and Chestnut- age family can buiid them. Terms for payment can rmi exmuits. st EiiKlewood KTfl (ifflcs. WMPQUNU oe arranged as purchasers desire.
Leave. Arnv Via "Pan-Handle Routes-Day Express 8:80 a 6:55 Mgbt Express 8:80 pm 7:05 am Via Fort Wayne Route" Day Express 8:15 a 1 6:45 in Fast Line 3:15 9:30 Limited Express 6:00 Eastern Express 8:15 ml Daily. tExcept Sunday. Cnleajro. Detroit Sc Niagara Falls Short Line.
Trains leave from and arrive at B. A O. Depot. Lake Front, loot of as below. Ticket offices, lOHaiid and Palmer House (SUte-tUL and at Depot.
General office. 108 Clark-st. Leave. Arrive. New York A Boston Limited 3:46 pm 9:45 Niagara Falls, New York A Luv ton Express 8:46 pmlj IDaUy.
Michigan Central Railroad. Depots foot of Lake-st. and foot of Ticket offices. 07 Clark-st, southeast corner of Randolph, Palmer House, and Grand Pacific. Central Standard Time.
Leave. Arrive. Mail (via Main Line), Nos. 4 A 11. 6:50 a 5:15 pm Day Exuress.
Nos. 2 A 3........... n. 6:40 New York Limited, Nos. Kalamazoo Nos.
10 A 13.. Atlantic Express. Nos. 8 A 9. 8:15 8:05 a ra Night Bxpresa.
Nos. 12 A 7 9:10 7:00 a Via Chicago A West Michigan Ry. Grand Rapids A Muskegon Mail. 1 9:00 am 5:15 Grand Rapids A Muskegon Ex. If 3:55 pm I 6:40 in Grand Rapids A Muskegon 9:10 7:46 a ii 3:00 pm 4:00 pra Take oar dhv to sea the aeeial and Mon Mr.
R. P. Bringhurst, sculptor, of St. Louia IT ANSTON George W.Muir, Bookseller. Stationer.
ann Newsdealer. day to make the purobase. has been visiting Chicago during the last week. HTDE PARK J. D.
Sherman, Flfty-third-st. and cm MM S-OOam BOGUE HOYT, 182 Room 1. second floor. ST REMEDY I.ake-ay. LAKE VIEW near Diveray-st.
C9. Weils. Drussist. BUSINESS CHANCES. OB SALE ALL THE FURNITURE AND fixtures of a 37-room hotel, one of the finest in the West, the best in a city of people; this house Is paying a large dividend at present time; the owner is selling because he is going Into the stock business: there Is a tine bar and billiard room attached which pays a large income: me buildlojt is brick and first-class in every respeot; a chance like this seldom offers: terms easy.
Milwaukee. Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Milwaukee Waukesha Waukeeha Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Racine ri---. Racine. Freeport A Racine. Freeport A Kigin A Rockford Elgin A Rockford Elgin A Rockford Elgin Elgin Elgin Elgin.
Sunday only Rockford La Crosse LaCrosse. Winona. Stillwater, i St. Paul. Minneapolis.
Fargo, Aberdeen Cedar Rapids. Council Bluffs. 5:00 pm in FOR SALE IF YOU WISH A HEALTHY LOCA-Uon go to Normal Park, Enclewood; this is Uie FOR THH l.inuoln-av- 722. John A. Braun.
DruRElst. SORDERS SUF EATENSWOOD W. EL Bryan. Rea. Estate.
Insurance, and General Merchant-STATK-ST 4101. corner of Forty-first V.F. Cory ft it is unuerstooa tnat he has been invited to confer with his friend. Mr. Taft, upon Mr.
Taft's statue of Schuyler Colfax, to be erected by tha Odd-Fellows of America at Indianapobs. Mr, Bringhurst is teacher of modeling Tn the St. Louis art school and the well-known author ot many portrait busts. The statue of Colfax is to be eight feet high, of bronze, and is already set up in clay in Mr. Taft's studio, though not ready for inspection.
5:15 pm 6:20 pm best suburban property and has the best railroad facilities in Cook County; will sell on easy terms. For particulars inquire of A. BARTLETT. Room 21 Otis Block. 152 La or 8731 Perry-ay- Englewood.
EVERYWHERE. Co. Prescription Uruvgists. fNlGN KTllCiv-Y ARDS South. 4341.
cor. Gordon Ritter AckeTnan. DrURaists. a ra a a a a FOR SALE AT ENGL WOOD IF YOU ARE looking for a lovely house lor a home look at the four new houses with all modern conveniences and large lots, streets macadamized, sewer, water, and gas. situated on Jiun south of fnd-st.
LOST AND FOUND. Heribner's Magazine is regarded amoner tha a a regular and healthy a great help to young nrity. It strengthen gens, bringing relief who stand all day ia Ulceration and Dis- L. A. iill.BKKT.
M7 lark-st. 06T-A SMALL PUG DOG; FEMALE; ANSWERS Li to name "Cleo." tiood reward will be paid by illustrators of Brooklyn as the opening up of new field for good work, although the first num. ber shows only a few samples ol really fine engraving. Mr. Gibson, the best known of local Omaha.
Denver.san Francisco 86.0UO All of the furniture and fixtures complete of a first-class hotel in Michigan. 170 miles from Chicago, in a city of 16,000 people; the house Is doing a fine business: this iu a fine chance toilsome one; owner selling on account of sickness. $5 000. terms easy Hotel in Northern Michigan; the only one in town of 3.000 people: it Is a first-class frame building of 40 room, completely furnished throughout; has nice, paying bar-room, with tine liverv barn attached: this property is free and clear, and paying a nice income: three lots, 150 feet in all, by 150: will sell all this property complete for $5,000 $20,000 A large interest in one of the finest and largest job-printing establishments in Chicago, paying a large income and doing a large business; located in the centre of city: on account of poor health BAl 'linton Dnbuuua returning same to H. Vi us.
si nearoornjSt Clinton A Dubuque OST AT OR NEAR LOVUNtiTON. MOULTRIE 10:40 pmirt es Moines illustrators, win probably get a share of tha work to be done, although be is at present verv 1j Coimtv. Ill-, hetween Sent. 4 and Oct. W.
mv COUNTRY REAL ESTATE OR SALE -BY BOYD, 129 LA Room 3: $2.50 per acre 100,000 acres of fine yellow nine: will 1:30 am Madison, Belolt, Janesvllle A pension certilicate No. 54.04i, dated the 18th day of hard at work upon a series of designs that takes ave been cured by it. ifDU-mber. 18SL The return of the same will be 6 3.00 pm Mineral point Madison A Madison ft (1 i 6 leskfully received by MRS. PHKBB HUFFMAN.
tally testify. Regular Daily. tExcept Sunday. Lake Shore ft Mlchlaran Southern Railroad. Ticket offices at depots.
Van Buren-st. head of La Salle, Forty-thlrd-st Ticket offices under Sherman HouBe, Grand Pacific Hotel, and Palmer House forento. Bond County. 111. Green Bay A Iron Mountain pm ronddULac, Oshkosn s.
Vn.on Cifv Aloonn Canton I his time completely. Local subjects are to ba steadily treated of in and this will give a chance for some of Eaton's sketches ia the metropolis and round about it. GREAT VALUE AND NEED OF FREE BATHS, The Latter Would Be an Antidote for So SITUATIONS MALE. Bookkeepers and Clesks. ft ft ft Mitchell.
Owatonna. lan-bault. Chamberlain, etc Leave. Arrive. Price $1.00.
Health" mailed to any iboratory, Lynn, iaaa. pm "12:03 pm Sioux City. Sioux Falls riously damaged by fire Saturday afternoon. The tire originated in the basement of the Newberry icii i i 1 urriiii i iuliiu Yankton, Wolsey. Aberdeen.etc in mail williio? to beirin ow and ore no: real estate a Dally.
0 Daily except Sunday. Iprelerreo. Aoares It. Tribune oroce. (Daily except Sat- gentleman is going South with his family, and offers to seU or trade a controlling interest in the largest printing establishment in Chicago; will take in exchange improved property in city or an improved farm or farm lands that are growing ia value; here is a paying business for some one.
This is worthy of your attention, and you should investigate before buying elsewhere; it is certainly the best-paying job-printing establishment in Chicago. $2.000 Nice-paying, well-stocked drug store on good business street; business $15 to $25 per day; bound to sell; here is a first-class business chance for a small capital owner; -bound to sell at once; call and see me: store Is on North Side near Lincoln Park. T. B. BOYD.
Room 3. 128 I Salle-st. SALE CRACKER wTtITcOM- 7:23 a 5 5:30 8:00 pm 11:30 pm 4:05 pm cialism aud Anarchism. Cuicago, Dec. 31.
Editor of The Tribune. Mall (via Old Road) Special New York A Boston Ex. Limited Express Atlantic N. Y. Express Night Express (via Old Boad) Goshen A Old Road Accom' oda'n New York A Boston Fast Ex urday.
Daily except Monday. 6:50 pm 6:50 pm 9:50 a 5 8:00 a OITCATION WANTltD BOOKKEEPER OR COR- I ij respondent; speaks English, German, French, and Chloatro Northwestern Railwar. Notice. In your editorial the other day on Tha A I references. bb.
I Spanish; If. years' experience. For Maps. Time Cards. Sleepiug-Oar Accommoda I Tribune omce.
store ana Durnt its way to tne notei above. None of the guests were injured, but most of them lost all their belongings. The Newberry Company claim to have lost about $15,000 by fire and water, and were only insured for about $10,000. Mr. A.
Callahan, the proprietor of the hotel, valued bis interest at $8,000 and was insured for The damage to the building will amount to about $5,000, and is fully covered by insurance. Fears are entertained for the safety of the tions aoply at re; urana r-acinc. Palmer House, and Depot corner Wells and Kinzie-sts. EX- guarantee it to cut over 8.000 feet of flrat-class pine lumber per acre: this land Is located in Southwestern Georgia, has four railroads running through it. and eighty-five miles of river frontage, with three rivers that run into the ocean; steamboats and iarge vessels pass this land six and eight times dally from SO to 150 miles above it: it is the finest body of timber land in the United States: no waste lands; lumber can be shipped to any part of the United States easily by river or rail: the best of lumber estimators estimate over 800.000,000 feet of timber on it: it is certainly a great bargain and should attract attention of lumber men.
425,000, J10.000 down 480-aere farm, all under best of fence, cross-fenced, and in a high state of cultivation; fine brick dwelling, five barns, corn-cribs, and other buildings: pure, lasting water; the best kind of orchard; ratlroad runs through farm: SO miles north of Chicago. 30 m'les south of Milwaukee: 80 tine cattle. 16 horses, wagons, all farm Implements of every kind go with farm at the price asked; (10.000 down, balance on long time: here is a great chance for somebody. Price 1.UT0 cash lfSO-acre improved farm 10 miles from Spencer, Clay County, frame bouse of 5 rooms; barn, sheds, and lasting water: as good land as there is iq Clay County: pan or all casn down; immediate possession can be given. At $50 per acre 60-acre farm 8 miles from Blackberry.
Kane every acre under fence and cultivation; lasting, running water; frame house, barn, orchard, and well: as fine land as there is iu Kane IMH or all cash down. I Opericnced and competent. First-class references Chicago Grand Trunk Railway Depot corner Third-av. and Polk-st. Ticket offices, 103 South Clark.
Palmer House, and Grand Paciflo Hotel, and at depot L.eave. Arrive. Aaiires iriounc omce A plete manufacturing plant; with long lease of E. F. CULLERTON l'J5 building and power.
SALESMEN. Socialistic Drink Manifesto you approve and "heartily commend," among other? things, the idea of free baths, gymnasiums, lecture and reading rooms, etc. Would it not be a good move to revive the agitation fop free baths A great metropolis like Chicago ought not to be without such institutions ona moment longer. You doubtless remember DANIELS, San Francisco. Denver, Omaha.
5 and Council Bluffs Dixon. Sterling, Clinton, Tama, j.a sane-st. Leave. Arrive. 2:15 6:50 a 6:15 2:15 6:50 a in mlj pmlj mil 10.30 pm: 1 Bartholdi statue.
The Secretary of the Light eiTUATlON WANTED TRAVELING Oing on wholesale grocers wants side line for class house. Address 40. Tribune office. pilar Kapids, Marsnautown. house Hoard as reported that the torch arm is A Des Moines 8:05 a 3:25 8:15 5:25 of Weaver, this day be- particularly weak, and may fpossibly break some Sioux City A Northern Ne 2: 15 Miscellaneous.
ra braska Mail A Chicago Passenger Limited A Day Express Atlantic A Pacific Express Valparaiso Accommodation Chicago Lawn Sunday Passenger (Sunday only) Mt. Olivet Mt. Greenwood Spec! 12:40 5 6:25 i 8:45 a 6:40 am 10:00 a 5 3:36 of these days and entail loss oi lire to visitors. He recommends that the arm be closed to visit 6:23 C1TUATION WANTED A YOUNG MAN OF OiOtue business experience would like to represent in imuorter, manufacturer, or wholesaler in most 1 1 the message Mayor Harrison sent to the City Council in August, 1H7V) (it was printed, in The Tribune, Sunday, Auk. 17, 1879).
ors. Experts, on the other hand, claim that the TO CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTURERS For reasons unnecessary to explain here we offer for sale a very desirable manufacturing property located In a lively manufacturing town on Rock River, In this State, at the intersection of two of our principal railroads. The property consists of a three-story stone and brick building 60x300 feet and an 80-borse perfectly enduring water-power: the building has a main line of shafting extending its entire length and is so arranged that it may be used as a whole or In sections as rooms. A railroad track runs along one side of the building and a roadway on all sides. Address s.
P. Tribune office, Chicago, 111. Aurora, Batavia A Geneva 512:00 of my firm, the general I say line. Address Box 11, Milwaukee. Wis alleged weakness oi tne statue is an Doh.
J. C. Mann of Minneapolis succeeded in eating his thirtieth quail Saturday evening, and Aid. Hildreth accordingly lost his $1,000 wager. i-Mmml 12:00 ml 3:45 mini :00 a 5:15 8:45 a 2:40 pm 11:30 in 5:50 4 er the name ok IDaily.
Exuept Sunday. Central Standard Time. Baltimore Ohio. Depots, Lake-Front foot of Monroe-st, and foot of Twenty-aecond-st City offices. 63 Clark-st, Palmer House, and corner Canal and Madison-sts.
SITU A TION FEMALE. BOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS. The President New-Yeai's reception at Wash ington foil decidedly nat ana proved a great ais- Freeport, Rockford Rockford A Elgin Rockford St. Paul, Minneapolis and Mad- I ison A Beloit St. Paul.
Minneanollsand Mad- A 300-ROOM HOTEL. ONE OF THE NIELS CO. EABODY. unpoiutment to many. The decorations at the 865.000.
I OITIATION WANTED BY A YOUNG SALES-I. laily with several years' experience in dry goods best in Chicago elegantly furnihd. Leave. Arrive. Executive Mansion were not nearly so brilliant central location: now full of business and niakintr unl millinery.
itas Deen nu tne leaainB mty as the previous year, and there were far more bitches in the arrangements. and can prove ner aouities Dy prime refer ison A JaneevllM 5 3:00 pm i 9:00 am 9:00 pm 5:15 rn 9:25 pm ences, will sccept rcouesi salary ir piece is per- Wheeling A Pittsburg Pittsburg Limited Wash'gtonAPbirdelphiaLimited Baltimore A Phil'delp'a Limited 6:25 8:55 a 5:40 a 10:35 a Huron, Pierre, Winona, 5 6:50 pm 6:25 a 4:45 in over $25,000 a year: the lease a bargain. Hotel men who want a great bargain and have money, and mean business, call for particulars. Business In Europe compels the present proprietor to go there. 3.
S. RANNEY. 157 Wasbington-at. New-Year's Day passed over very quietly in tnent. Address A Tribune omce.
Madison. Janesvllle A noN. Uhicaco. ana it was quite evident xnat tne oiu- Janesville. Watertown Fond du Lac.
Oshkosh I a in 4:45 pm fashioned practice of making calls had almost STENOGRAPHERS. CiTCATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED gone out. Ashland. Washburn, Bayfield Dally. All trains run via W'ashington.
No extra faresara charged on B. A O. Limited trains. The 5:15 p. in, train runs through to Washington in 24 hours.
hicago. Jan. 1, 1887. ifore existing between FINANCIAL. day; superior, uuiuid Senator Sewell of New Jersey proposes to lad, stenographer for forenoons or entire furnish typewriter.
A U. Tribune office. make a vigorous tight against tne Democrats, A DE ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS. A DVANCE8 Madison A Milwaukee tme of Orr, Critten- bonds, low rates: money can be naid baek who on the face of the returns at the last election gained a majority of the Legislature on joint 510:35 7:00 am 4:00 pm 2:00 i a 1:45 Xk Domestics.
cituation wanted by a young girl for ais uay uy iininuuoo, Chlcaeo Atlantic Railway. Ticket offices. 105 South Dearborn Station, Polk-st and Aroher-av, Palmer House, and Grand Pacific Hotel. ballot. He claims to have been defrauded of his or second work.
Cell 2133 general housework Waukesha, Racine, Milwaukee i seat through a dishonest count. Butierneia-st. a. ivenoaiia i of the firm will be o. 8 Board of Trade, in liquidation.
Leave. Arrive, i'llflami 2:00 I 3:00 5 7 :00 Judge Claudius B. Grant of Houghton has come out as an aspirant for Senatorial honors a ra in Michigan. 11:30 am 2:00 Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Green i Bay 5 in which ho advised building bath-housea at the Water-Works, utilizing for tha baths the warm water running to waste from, the condensers. F.
H. Winston, our lata Minister to Persia, worked up a violent opposition to the scheme, and according to a report of the proceedings of a meeting of tha Council Committee on Finance, printed in The Tribunk Saturday, Aug. 23, lfcsy, Mayor Harrison and Mr. Winston had a warm discussion on the subject before said committee, the Mayor favoring and Mr. Winston optios ing the proposed bath-house.
At the Council meeting the following Monday, Aug. 25, tha following remonstrance was introduced by Aid. McCormick of the Eighteenth Ward To the Honorable the City Council of the City of Chicaao: We, the undersigned property-owner and residents of the North Division, do herebj respectfully object and remonstrate against tha proposed scheme of establishing a bath house oa the grounds of the North Side Water-Works. 1. We protest against the donation by this city of its property for the profit of a few capitalist under the specious pretense of benefit to the poor, i.
We object to the perversion of the city's i ami for purposes unauthorized by its charter. 8. We object to the eitablishment of thesa baths at the North Side Water-Works, especially because the site is inaccessible to the people irv general, no car line running in that neighborhood, and the patronage of such baths, if established, would be mainly confined to roughs and hoodlums. 4. We protest, because the establishment of these baths would cause an Immense depreciation of property in their vicinity, and we do most, strenuously object to the sacrifice of our rights in this way for the benefit of a private monopoly, F.
H. Winston, H. Prentice, 5. H. KEKKOOT, HF.N'Y WlSCHEMKYEH, Lill's Bkkwery, M.
Meyer. 5 9:05 pm 3 6:30 a The growth of MilwauKee during the year shows gratifying progress, while that of Kansas 7:46 7:45 6:35 pm 3:56 7:00 a in Milwaukee, Green Bay, tinued by the remain-ider the name of Orr ORR. A. CRITTENDEN. ES W.
COME 3. Me- em- Me Lima. Marlon A New York A Philadelphia Exp N.York, Boston A Columbus. Cleveland. Mansf'd.
Pittsburg.Jamestown A Buffalo Kouts Accommodation Hammond Accommodation 5 9:05 pm nominee. Slarinette lshpe ui installments; no puouciiy. D. LAUNDER, 120 Rooms 5 and 6. Established 1854.
ADVANCES MADE AT LOW RATES ON watches, diamonds, and fine iewelrr. which are stored in special vaults, at the Banking Rooms of the Chicago Mortgage Loan 86 La first floor. HICAGO TRUST A SAVINGS BANK LOANS money at current rates on commercial or secured notes, warehouse receipts, merchandise, and available collateral security of all kinds. HAVE $300000 ON HAND. READY TO LOAN AT 5H per cent, on contrnlly located property, in arannnts of $10,000 and upward.
Also 6 per cent money, to be placed in smaller sums on brick improved city property Can close immediately. HENRY C. VAN SCHAACK. 82 Chicago. Citv has been phenomenal, i ne Dusiness oi sl Louis, on the other hand, shows a considerable Dressmakers.
situation wanted an ladies wishing i5 to make their own dresses can have them cut and draped by the Krenoh system for S3-30, West Side. 1)84. Tribune office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. CITCATIONS WANTED -LADIES DESIRING IJ compatent, reliable, and well-trained servants vitn good references, of all nationalities, for the West. North, and South Sides, can obtain such at Throop-nt.
Employment Bureau. 10 11:10 am 4:20 pml decrease, and the city can no longer lay claim to Ripon. Green Lake, Princeton, Sheboygan Central Dakota, via Northwest- I beiinr a Hacking centre. ERSHIP. Dally.
tExcept Sunday. The Brewers' Union of New York has seceded em Iowa hicago, Jan. 1, 1887. 6:50 am 5:50 pm 9:55 a 10: 30 a 11:30 am 7:15 a 3:15 pm 4:15 pm "The from District Assembly No. 49, of the Knights of Nickel-Plate "New York, Chicago Lake Geneva LaDor.
one-halt cash SO acres good, rich prairie land In Kossuth county, Iowa: half value in order to sell at once; will make any man a good farm. $450 one-half cash or all down. SO acres fine, rich praii ie land in Ringgold county. Iowa: these two pieces are offered at nue-half value in order to sell at once. They are good, rich lands; good clear titles.
Here is a bargain. a $33 per acre 80T acres farm, one mile from Wat-eka, Iroquois County, 111. This Is as good farm land as there is in the State. Nice dwelling house, good barns, cribs, fences, and orchards: fenced and cross-fenced; water for 300 head of cattle. This farm Is oompletely stocked.
Will sell the stock at cash value or will exchange farm for good land in ii.SOO down 120 acres, all under fence and croee-fenced: 40 meadow. 4() timber, 40 under plow: with 22 head of cattle, wagons, and harness, all kinds of farm implements: first-class frame house of six rooms; stone cellar; lnrge barn and cribs; lasting water; and as fine dry rich land as there is in the State of Indiana: 'Ahi miles from North Juoson, Starke Co. farm, stock, and implements For sale To exchange $4,000: An elegant farm, 430 acres; one of the finest improved farms in Illinois; Smiles east of Joliet and 2 from New Lenox, Will County; every acre nnder fence and cross-fenced into fields: a large, fine brick house of 13 rooms, nearly new; 4 largo barns for stock: lasting running water: fine orchard: in is the finest improved farm in Will County. It is 27 miles south of Chicago: free and clear of all incumbrance whatever. Will exchange for business property on any good street in Chicago; will assume or pay $25,000 cash and give farm clear and free.
This is the best chance you will ever get to trade Chicago property incumbered for a clear farm so near Chicago. Some one can get a great bargain. $800 cash 83 acres ir. Montgomery County. fronting on a river which is a lasting stream of water: 25 acres under plow, 3 acres timber, and as good farm land as can be found In Kansas; nice improved farms all around it.
We offer this land for cash for ha) its value in order to sell at once. Some man can get a bargain. $2.500 160 acres in Clay County. 7 miles from Spencer: 90 acres under plow: GO acres meadow; 10 acres grove: also hedge 11 years old. This is certainly a bargain for some one.
$1S 500: $11,000 down, balance 3 years at per cent 200 acres Just 10 miles from Chicago Court House. Ogden-av. crosses one corner of the farm; It adjoins Riverside on C. B. Q.
R. it is fenced and cross-fenced; 3 large barns; fine frame 10 room dwelling; not an acre of waste ground. Being onlyli milea west of Chicago Court House and on one of the principal thoroughfares from the city, and adjoining Riverside, a nice town of 3.000 inhabitants, tnis is the cheapest land ever offered, and ought to sell without delay. I was offered $20,000 last spring for this farm and refused it. The owner now needs money and offers it for $18,500.
It is certainly a cheap piece property, being so close to Chicago. Some one will get a bargain. SALE SEND ADDRESS AND 2 CENT 1 stamp to A. L. FOBSHA SON, Hutchinson, HONS WANTED EE MALE HELP-GOOD 11 KGlcrenee marks- Foreign.
YLL1NOIS FARM LOANS MADE PROMPTLY AT Ex. Sunday. lLx. Saturday. xSuuday only.
tientian or Scandinavian help. Apply at iu Sh K'S. IMS North Halsted-st. iEx. Monday.
5Daily. The statement that Russia and Germany had current rates. KIMBALL, VOSE 86 La ji, 1.UUIH nauwav. Trains depart irom ar.a arrive at Union Depot Van Buren-st, as follows (all trains dally ex. Sunday): Leave Chicago m.
Central Standard Time. Arrive Chicago p. m. Central Standard Time. For rates or information call on or address N.
A. SKINNER, Commercial Agent BB La or CHAS. H. WaLKER. Agent Passenger Department Chicago.
Salle-st. signed an offensive and defensive alliance, which Kl3CELLANEOtrb. Ic-ago, Bnrllugton (Juincy jBjBjpjfapjpjfjii OANS ON LIFE POLICIES. ENDOWMENTS. ANTED BY LADY OF CULTURE.
ined a copartnership Orr Comes, tor the smmission business in 'HUR ORR. iRLES W. COMES. ide. HON.
existing between the to of reenst elder. Ro-ulved by mutual agree-r i Isaac Greensf eld-continue the business as led to collect all the as- mmioi, as caused such a sensation last week, is now gener ally disbelieved. There is still, however, the un and tontines, and same bought. Sid slumn. a IJ It- a.
ForTlekets and Sleeplnc-Car accom-mdations apply at 211 Clark-st Grand lbranan. secretary, eopvist. or assist lib EDGAR HOLMES. Room 15, 16S Washlngn-it. ant hi art scuool.
Address 10, Tribune office. NEW-YEAR'S DAY MARKETS. Pacific Hotel. Palmer House. Canal and the Union Passenger Station, on Canal, corner of Adams-sL LOANS ON REAL ESTATE IN COOK COUNTY, Including building loans, made promptly atcur-rent rates by BAIRD BRADLEY.
90 La Salle-st. easy feeling that Europe is treading on the brink of a volcano which may break out at any moment. Bismarck is distrusted by even his supposed allies, and there is no great confidence in the professions of peace. Lord Iddesleigb's elaborately courteous reception of the Bulgarian delegates is almost without doubt due to the Battenberg intrigue. It is Local Troduce Markets.
The leading produce markets were mucb more ac Depart. Arrive. iilsvi WANTED MALE HELF. Stenographers, tuahted thoroughly competent ste- nographer and tvpewrlter. male or female: ap-piiesau must state age.
references, and salary Address 30. Tribune office. tive Friday than is usual on the last trading day Estate of m. lill, j. atrocs.
MONEY TO LOAN WITHOUT COMMISSION at lowest current rates of interest on Improved real estate in sums of and upwards. R. PR1NUIVILLE, Roofc 14, 116 La Salle St. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sums on furniture without removal, or on good Galesbura. Ottawa A Streator Rockford Passenger Council Bluffs 8:45 am 11:00 am 11 :50 a 8:50 pm 2:50 2:15 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 2:00 pm thought not improbable that Alexander may St.
Joseph. Atchison A Topeka. Denver A Omaha Kansas City A Mexico of the year. There was a heavy set of local trading, which took the shape of buying in grain and selling in provisions. There was none of the kind ef fun which is denomina ted a "jamboree," as has generally been the case at the close of a year.
Probably the knowledge that funeral ceremonies were in progress within a year be once more King ot Bulgaria. "12:30 12:30 pm 12:30 3:00 ni Adam J. Weckler. Joseph O. Rutteb, Geo.
m. icg us-son, John a. Yalk, J. H. Hooper, Wm.
Mamehre, Isaac N. Arnold, F. C. Brown, C. H.
Mccormick, F. S. McClelland, Fred Kaiseh, Geo. Sturgis. This remonstrance was referred to tha security; borrowers wilj consult theirinterest by call The bulk of public opinion in Britain tends to the liabilities of the old SO liREENSKKLDKR.
OLPH ROi5NTH AL. iMUND M' ERSHIP. formed a copartnership reenaielder. Hnrshetm firm of Greeusfelder, continue the Wholesale he same location, corner 10 GREENSFKLDEH, IHU.ND FLORsHELu. si.
i 'an i and Minneapolis Rochelle. Rockford. Ottawa ing at tne rcai-estate, law. ana loan omce or J. T.
LONG, 182 and 184 South Clark-st. tne DfHlOl mat mr. uusuicu win iuciu.u- cellorship rendered vacant by Lord Randolph streator Mendota. Marshal Itown MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CHICAGO real estate in sums of $1,000 and upward. Apply at the Union Trust Co 13s Dearborn-st.
i.uoam -in i a i 7 15 a 12:45 pm 6:55 a 5:45 a St. Paul and Minneapolis at Washington prevented the usual exhibition oi this character. The visible supply of wheat wa estimated to have increased during the week from Committee on Finance and by it duly pigeons 9:15 pm 10:80 pm 10:40 pm 10:40 St. Joseph. Omaha, Denver and holed, and that, 1 believe, is the last heard of shlornla 000 to 760.000 bu.
and very heavy deliveries of grain on Salesmen. titasted-no. 1 men with established special-order shirt trade on the road lor Jan. 1. jLF.
Cope Shirt 200 Clark-st. tt'AHTED TRAVELIN'i SALESMAN TO CARRY thirts; liberal commission; must have reference. Address Box 387, Glene y. TT ANTED-A BRIGHT, ACTIVE BOY ABOUT lii years old. who lives with bis parents, writes a tooa hand, neat, and does not use tobacco.
Ados in vour own handwriting, stating wages re- i 57, Tribune office. Mr. Harrison batn-nouse enema, Kansas City and Atchison lanuarv conirai ts were expected to Le ruuue Mon But the subject ought to be taken up again, day, while the quantity of provisions to be tendered Daily. tDaily except Sunday. IDally exceot Sat MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL Estate in Chicago at lowest rates of interest.
PETERSON BAY, 163 East Randolph-st ONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT rXtESON improved real estate in Cook County. W. HYM AN JR. A Room 9 Howland Block, Monroe and Dearborn-sts. and something substantial done to establish wasexpectea to De sraan.
ine xouuwihp nm- urday. yDaily except Monday. The 11:00 a. m. train lor Rockford leaves from Cen closing bid prices for the leading articles: 12.77 for May: lard, as rt): ribe.
$6. both for TION. CAGO, Dec 1S86- February: wneat porn eaeac. oa eejac mamrjw for list of choice real estate in vegt ai ante. Kss.
tral Depot- foot of Lake-st. Chicago, Boek Island Paclfle Railroad. bath-houses, ultimately in every ward of the city, but immediately in the poorer sections, where tenement-houses are crowded together, filled with largo families, having no facil 00c. all for May. The latest cash prices were ior fce firm o( Wineman's Ly dissolved, Samuel 1 Churchill resignation.
It is rumored that a divorce case in which Lady Brooke is the respondent, and which will involve no less than fifteen corespondents, will shortly be aired in the British courts. The eightieth anniversary of the entry of the Kaiser, when a boy of 10, into the army was celebrated with great rejoicing at Berlin Saturday, though a little in advance of the actual date. Gladstone is said to be still holding out for the Irish bill, and will not consent to a union of the Liberals on any other basis. Two hundred and seventeen persons lost their lives at Madras Friday by the burning of the reserved inclosure at the People's Park. They were all natives.
M. dc Freycinet and M. Terry have become reconciled, and will support the Goblet Ministry during the coming session of the French Chambers. THE DOMAIN OF ART. MONEY LOANED AT LOWEST RATES ON commercial paper, merchandise, warehouse receipt, chattel mortgages, and collateral security ot all kinds.
Rooms 19 and 20, 122 La Salle-st. pork. 16.55 for lard, 6. Oft for ribs, ror wneat, for corn, and for oats. The receipts for Monday are expected to include 120 cars of wheat.
263 cars of corn, 110 cars of oats, and 9,000 hogB. Depot corner Van Buren and Sherman-sts. Ticket Offices. 104 New Opera-House Building, Palmer House, and Grand Pacific Hotel. ities I or DULiiing sucn as aio pruviueu ia tnts houses of well-to-do people.
Through CM Leave. I Arrive. THE MECHANICS' AND TRADERS' SAVINGS, Loan, and Building Association. 138 La Salle-st. Call and arrange for money to build a home, to pay liberality of a private gentleman, not even citizen of our city, tne Emeiino Baths at No.
68 West Madison street have been estab JTO EXCHANGE. TO OF TBf FINEST sash and door factory and planing-mill attached that can be found in the Northwest; situated iu centre of manufacturing business of Chicago. The building and machinery In perfect order, 200 feet square, clear of all incumbrance whatever. Will exchange for goon farm lands, city property, or any goad property Owner retiring from business. Here is a good business chance tor some one.
BOYD. Room 3. 128 La Salle-at. ave formed a copart-ime ol j. L.
NVine-'H WIN EM AN, DLD WINEMAN. Oskaloosa Express Council Bluffs Fast Express off your mortg ge, or to on- real estate: easy lished, where elegant baths can be had for monthly payments. i n.Mii.r.s ritKMCti, Secretary three, five, eight, and ten cents. At sucn. Trades.
vtantbd-watchm a r.mu8t speak gbr- Ban, single, strictly temperate. Address GAB-2LjggjjKtPKR. Champaign. 111. MlSCEI.T.ANT.GUa.
tlTANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO START A yB business at their home; any person can from Jiic to 11 per hour. Send 26o for samples Instructions to Stewart Mfg. Boom 15, 2a8 Ohiou YOUNG MAN AS WAITER. TIV-oli. and 28 West Madison-st.
WAJTED-ABELIAULEMAN LOCATED cities to represent in his own locality a house. Gooil salary. References Msnnfacturer Sup't. Lock Box lKia. N.
Y. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. prices bat lis are wntnn ream oi tne poor. This plant at No. 63 West Madison street has cost the founder pm 12:10 ml 2:20 pm 12:40 pm 2:00 pm 12:40 pm 2:20 pm 5:00 10:30 pm 6:50 am 711:00 pmjlj 6:25 am HLOOpm 6:25 am cTexchanc.e-farms and wild land for Kansas i uy t.eavenwortn jix.
St. Joseph and Atchison Express Minneapolis and St. Paul Peoria Express Peru Accommodation Council Bluffs Night Express Kansas City and Leavenworth Night Express St. Joseph A Atchison Night Peoria Night Express Minneapolis A St. Pan! Night Ex.
MANUFACTURERS' WARE ROOmTT 61T Neb. Bank. Omaha It is clean, neat, and practical in all its annointments, and the owner offers to do B. 215 State-st. PIANOS AND ORGANS.
Manufacturers' prices. Enny payments. Pianos to rent or exchanged. nate the whole institution to the city if thai BOARDING AND LODGING. North Side.
tDaily, except tl'ailv, except Sunday. ADaily, except Monday. Daily. Saturday. city will contract to run it tor ten years an prices not to exceed those established.
Hera is a practical way to obtain the first publia city institution of this kind. The City Coun cil oueht to accept the offer and make an up GOOD PIANOS AND ORGANS TO RENT. Rentals (part or all) applied on purchase. ESTEY CAMP. 15S and 180 State-st.
197 By Telegraph. Liverpool, Jan. 3:30 p. m. Close provisions Pork Holders offer moderately; dull: prime mess.
Eastern. 62s; do Western. 5Ss6d. Lard Holders offer sparingly; spot. January.
February, or March firm. 35s 6d. Bkeadstuifs Wheat Holders offer sparingly; Arm; new No, 2 winter, 7s 8d: do spring. 7s7d. Flour-Holders offer sparingly: firm at 10s 7d.
Corn Holders offer moderately; spot firm at. 4s 7d; January steady at 4a6fed; February steady at 48 5d; March steady at 4s 5d. A leading weekly grain circular says: Ihe grain trade is very strong. The year closes with unusual activity. Wheat is dearer in all positions.
There is a large inquiry from speculators. The demand from millers is small, but it is expected to increase after the turn of the year. Cargoes are held at6d ndvance. and few are offered. At yesterday's market there was a large attendance with a strong feeling.
Wheat was very firm and a fair business was done at an advance of MM over Tuesday's rates. In flour a good business was done, mostly at an advance of 6d. Mane was In good demand at an advance of about Kd. London. Jan.
14 p. m. The amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance today ia AAl.dtlO. Bar silver. 4GJd per ounce.
Ebst Liberty, Jan. 1. Cattle Receipts, 817: shipments. 969; market nothing doing, all through consignments Hugs Receipts. 2,900: shipments, 3,200: market firm: Phliadelphins.
J4. Yorkers, l4.7(Ks(4.80; com RANTEDFEMALE HELF. DEARBORN A BOARD AND LARGE room, also single roam: well heated. "EAST OHIO-ST. PLEASANT ROOMS, both large and small; good table; torms EX EXTKACT nd ijhe Meat Via-saps, Lushes and lie, 8,000,000 Jars.
I'S, EXTRACT tioasle tonic. Is 9 I'D for which nations I ol." See Mediae! I I be fao-tlmile of Bimo I Bine Ink across the I sren photo-llargely need by defers with Baron Littig, fmed that the Liable I offer the article with Vantee i gr cicesGSS. If'S EXTRACT YON A UEALY. STATE AND MONROE-STS. Cmcnffo Alton Union Depot, West Side, corner Maaison and between Madison and Adams-st.
bridges, and Twecty-third-st. Aj Btelnway. Fischer, Lyon A Healy. and other TLX ST ICS ANTED GOOD GIRL FOR tiENBRAL HOUSE "Ork. AddIv at SIS Kiql propriation of a few thousand dollars lor running expenses, putting the whole under thfll charge of the Health Department.
pianos. Burdett and Lyon Healy organs. Largest stock ot instruments and best lighted warerooms In reasonable; house warm ana 5rC BetABBOKM-AT HANDSOMELY FUK-OiOnished room, with board. Everytning first- The Good Work of the Chicago Art InstituteHome and Foreign Notes. It is vacation in the art school of the Art Institute.
The winter term will begin Monday, Jan. 3. The term just closed has been most prosperous, and the school has now attained a size and solidity which insure permanence and deserve recognition. The number of students of all grades is a little over 300, of whom about 125 are in the regular day classes, 100 in the evening classes, and eighty in the juvenile department. The teachers actually at work number thirteen, besides Mr.
Vanderpoel. who is Paris. About half the teachers have received a regular foreign art education, and represent Munich, Paris, smith TTPTisinsrton. and West Point, while the Leave. Arrive.
the city. Terms, casn or time, to suit customers. "raD-A FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL. Oerbtrn-nT class. TZZ SwTSwi Liiu-rt uniifQ ffijO'Tr.
BUYS A FINE NEW UPRIGHT PIANO. tnweJl1 Reed's Temple of Music 130 State-st- near CIIICAGO-AV. pj "w-" i with good board; moderate terms. 512:30 mi WJKD-A Qfx)D WOMAN COOK. TIVOLI.
sJ.noJe West Madlson-sf Madison FIND COMFORT AIILH ntm lilt iMfcrui Vi: TO The gentleman wno nas esmoiisiieu tnis ln- stitution on West Madison street has kindl.y offered to put a similar establishment in au- other part of the city where it is much need ed, if evidence is furnished him that it can bo) maintained at prices not to exceed those znen-i tioned above. Here is another opportunity which the City Council should improve. Sa :45 am rooms or fine suite of front rooms on North PERSCNAL. I'1-D-GIKL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; -nily of five. 221 Park-av.
Kansas City. Denver, Mexico. A Col. Fast Kansas City A Colorado Fast Ex. Bt Louis, Springfield.
Orleans, and Southern Express St Louis. Springfield, Texas, New Orleans, and Southern Express St- Louis A Springfield Night Ex. Peoria, Keokuk A Bur- via lington Fait Express Cheuoa. Streator, Lacon. Washington Ex with strictly rnje, i'tohivih 1 Refer- T)ERSON AL INFORMATION WANTED OF 7:00 a 7 10 tirst-class tahlo, please aaurem SnceJ i required.
Address A 81, Tribune office. a of all Storekeepers, a. Sole Agents for the wale only) C. Darid nue, London, upland. 5 9:00 511:20 nm 8:45 a 511:20 MlSCELLANEODS.
aANTKD-50 AUBURN OR RED HAIRED "8 to work in museum; good salaries and a. Magnet, wno, witn nis hrotner, was lost in Chicago from his parents about 1854. He was sup SOUTH SIDE. 14ICHIG -NICELY 7:30 a 2:00 Ham posed to have been adoptee; at KOCktord, or vicinity. Any clew thankfully received.
Address D. FURNISHED r-C'? waw. lii South Room j6 11 i Joliet, Dwight A Streator Accom) 5:00 assistants are persons educated in the insti valuable a gilt, lor sucn neeuiui purposes, shouhtbe promptly accepted and the city' part performed with alacrity. The first ycatf 1438 with board. front and back rooms AUHKK.
Fort i ato. rtgx Sunday excepted. Daily. AS1 AND GENTLEMEN IN uriiCrcountrT to take light work at their homes; caiiT. a day made; work sent by mail: no tute itseli.
ine lOllOWing is me run ui it- Afr C. A. Corwin. Mr. A.
J. Rupert, Mr. or tWO an appro pi ibuuu uuuiiuai auiia HOTELS. RIDE MADISON HOUSE Hen Trainiflff. BUSINESS PERSONALS.
EUROPEAN nni'Tit H. Vanderpoel, Miss Alice D. Kellogg, Miss Wade. Mr. N.
H. Carpenter. Miss Alice W'ehavea good demand for our work Stesdv emnloTitipnt- Address, with MM Rooms 2 to $3 per Hotel, 164 East Madison-st. Illinois Central Railroad. Depots foot of and foot of 22d-st.
Ticket offices, 121 near Clark-st, Grand Pacific Hotel, Palmer House, and Tremoni House. TlEBSONAL W. H. PiNKHAM. CHRISTIAN rwn M'f'g 2H Vine-st.
Cincinnati.Ohio week: SB and To cents per aay. Hav, Mr. Enoch Ward, Miss Vanderpoel, Mr. A science er mental healing; free a to J. 90 South IS THE LARG- b'CiioPl'lM ltilTKL Room lo.
"ZZZZ able hotel of its ciass in Leave. M. K. reucn, jviiss neuu, juias -m-i. aUuIc Taft Mr.
Tiuis J. Millet. Arrive. I WILL SEND TO ANY AD- dress, postpaid, nne specimens eacn oi gold, sil The instruction covers the various branches JLGENTS WANTED. EVERYWHERE llta3S New Krt- Steam Washing Machine, elrcularsJOBTON A ETNIRE.
157 Dearborn the city, has a hrst-class passenger eit vww -charges are moderate: Thomson's restaurant underneath. SAMUEL GRKGSTON. Proprietor. 8:00 pm 5 7 :20 a the ver, copner. lead, and iron ores, direct from i nes AS.
CRON. Mineralogist. Lvtle. Coio. mat Tralnlns; Class, nnder Kree Kindergarten Asso-tbe February, 1887.
rs address IGARTKN ASSOCIATE. Chicago. Ill, 8:00 am of drawing, painting, designing, ana moaei-inK, the fundamentals of all art production, nArsnective and modeling. Ine 8:40 am 5 1 -j i ii. 2:50 4 iit US a JjJV.01-'1- CITY AGENTS JCLAIR VOYANTS.
ON ALBUMS ngents wanted. St. Louis A Texas Express St. Louis A Texas Fast Cairo A New Orleans Express New Orleans last Express Chatsworth A Bloomington Pass. Pontiac A Springfield Express Oilman Passenger Dubuque A Sioux City Express.
aDubuque A Sioux City Express. St. Paul A Minneapolis St. Paul A Minneapolis Express. aaX- Three more Randoloh-st.
may be needed to pay jmrt oi tne expenses, but it can undoubtedly be managed into ft self-sustaining institution and still furnish, baths at three, five, eight, and ten cents. As experience is obtained in erecting ana managing these institutions they ultimately be made free to the public under such, regulations as- tho City Health Department mav find practicable. It is my belief that such establishments, planted in all tha thickly-settled neighborhoods, will conduca to public health and morality in a much greater and more beneficent degree than tna majority of our city fathers can now appreciate. Let us open the subject with the en trance of the new year and push it to a suoi cessf ul conclusion. L.
P. Had Him There. Kansas City Timet That was a frank con JOHN GATELY CO. a TTF.NTION MADAME CATHERINA OI'El'S 5 7:20 a in 3:00 10:00 2:50 a 6:35 pm 2:50 6:36 a Out of Town, tktew orleans mrs. mr fa rland has re- JN moved from 192 Julia-st.
to the large hrown-atone residence. 24J formerly occupied by the Ilarmony Club, firsts will find large and elegantly furnished apartments, single or en suite. Cuisine the best the market affords. Miscellaneous. A the great Mind Reader and Spiritualist, nas retired from museums and will receive callers at her BED L'JCNiiE and TO LEASE.
juvenile and teachers' classes, meeting Saturdays, have grown to unexpected proportions and form a valuable training school for the regular departments. The evening school also is an interesting development and forms a marked contrast to the day school, which is vth women. In the evening nearly private resiaence, iu-si aoutu opposite postoftice, hours from i to p. m. VAITI WORLD-RENOWN ED A ST ROLO- mon and liuht, Sheep Receipts.
J.000; shipments. 800; market firm at yesterday's prices. The Effect la Electrical. Electrical liei'iew: A Leipzig inventor has devised an extremely dramatic mode of execution for criminals, which possesses the additional advantage of being painless. The machinery consists of a platform nine metres square, approached by five steps.
In the centre of the platform is a chair for the condemned man. Behind it stands a figure of Justice, holding a pair of scales in her left hand, the scales oeing movable. Under the platform is placed an electric battery, from which wires pass through the legs of the chair into the seat and back, terminating in platinum plates. If the patient objects to seating himself in the chair, he is simply tied in. After the sentence has Deen read, the executioner takes a stick, breaks it, and places the pieces in one of Justice's scales.
This descends, puts the battery in motion and finis Death is instantaneous and painless. The machine was tried on animals in the presence of a large company of invited guests and pronounced a success. In order to make this figure of Justice really effective, invitations will have to be issued to executions, otherwise the battery might be worked without anv such dramatic accessories as the statue with her scales. But art is a potent factor even in useful inventions nowadays, and this is, no doubt, regarded as the bight of art in its way. XJ ger and clairvoyant, 427 West late ARTIES DESIRING BOARD CAM wiinui, An i mo i houses.
practice: all of New York. Seventh son; 30 years' tmAvma ncrsons. five-sixths men, meet to I PRE Yeomane Pa?" Bv seat of w. wire, upbol pfi handsomely Ask your er.or call at 243 WabaW tctZ Kbe lot-owners of Forest of a new Board or lome Improvement ana affairs. True life horoscopes, au cents.
oft nrar-tico with reference to the a On Saturday night runs to Dubuque only. Wahasn, St. Louis ft Pacific Railwar. Depots. Polk-st.
between Third and Fourth-avs-, Twentv-second-st. and Thirty-flrst-tt. and State-st, Clark-st, Went-worth-av and Hanover-st cars pass within one block of Polk-st Depot Ticket offices, 109 Clark-st, Palmer House. Grand Pacific Hotel and Depots. The Chicago Boarding and Employment Bureau flncfrnoratedt.
Room 02, 137 and 15.M LaaKe-sL TVTrS. FRANKS CAN BE CONSULTED AT 14 I frofti. Sfc F(m 5 10 YEARS -DOCK LOT, lttet and 300 feet deep. This lot fronts tSSSS, Branch, N. W.
It. H. runs across SRiBi ttom the river: there are two uuopi Lntrs fu" of good machinerv on the lot; a 'n Viv me rm can rent this dock at a bar- tadii i T- the north line, where there will Dullt across the river next summer. ToT -B0 D- Room 3, La Salle-t I on bk- a w.u,en and Harrison, for term of cars. vocations which they follow during the day.
Thr urA pmrravers. lithotrraphers, design RS. L. PET ANDERSON, TRANCE MEDIUM, INSTRUCTION. 49 near manison.
aiiome tiimr. --hi noor ers, architects, wood-cutters, draughtsmen, onri tho lilrp. forming a valuable fession made by the St. Louis JiepuLlkan that iu mi tne omee 01 shingtori and ierborn LOUIS WOLTER- Arrive. Leave a of the school.
The classes in the express company showed a long hear! when it set a Chicago man to catch a Chicago PROFESSIONAL. :00 under Mr. L. J. Millet ovrT' ATTONMV ANTE A GENTLEMAN OF TEN lrs experience would like an opportunity to bookkeeping, literature, Po time.
UnquesUonable ability. Address 81, Tribune offlce1 rW: MUNBON mBM Ufc Sffi tonastaWsrdexcellen'ce. :) a UIU11U11.UMM -'-r- rr i in clav under Mr. lait, A GOODKK H. A itukj 1 1 -ai-la neasejaay i'roe lniprovciuei.t or' Folding Bed Elegant.
Easy SfeSflSl 1 fiErS-TPOCK PROPERTY ON THE NORTH HalB oaTJor occupancj; Chicago. Milwaukee R- track. GREENEBAUM SONS, il TA. V. uicago.
Jais fjpcrr started a year ago, are well and permanent St. Lonls. N. Orleans A Texas Ex! 8:25 a St. Louis, N.
Orleans A Texas Ex 9:00 Kansas City, Hannibal A Jacksonville Express 312:30 pm Peoria. Keokuk. Burlington. Des Moines A Ottumwa Express 8:25 a Peoria, Keokuk, A Bluffs Peoria, Keokuk A Burlington Ex 5 Custer Park A Essex Accom ence. Business ijuieu ioj uauogj.
ns r1c H.NNA man. it reminds us ol tne remarii made Dy Artemus Ward to the railroad magnate whQ refused to give him a pass. No," said he, 41 because your road is so darned slow that it can't pass anything." "I had him said Artemus cheerfully. ly established. Timsi av afternoon lectur DESIGNER WANTS TO TAKE A BCH1TECT A Firs original work: charges reason 7 :25 a copying, tracing STOHAirE.
Aonress A 71. rnonne omce able i 9:36 a TX PARTNERS WANTED. OR ACTIVE at the Art Institute will be resumed Tuesday, Jan 11. when Mr. Henry F.
Spread will present some Practical Hints upon Drawing and Painting," to be followed the next Tues- a East i t1 AKr. HO LS1S, TV. 81, A.HU Daily. Dally. except Sunday.
Note Wagner sleeping-cars and free reclining CAST-OFF CLOTBUNG. esiaousneu in too, to manufacture an old. chair cars, Chicago to St Louis, and Pullman and A great popular demonstration The rush ok the people after Salvation Oil. Price, 23 cents. r.r brand of staple, goods, and hv Mr.
Enoch ard upon oou En- woodruff sleeping-cars for Peoria. Jacksonville, Exchange Specslatiot. sface and AnnoWtJons hf blUbed Price ooiti i. W. HOBKSBaCSI.
fcxeaange-place, H. x. C1AaT-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. GOSPEL Mission, 575 State-s, Write or send after 6. I Mir "old goodsprivate compartmenta.
SJfJlARRY, lotf TO lsTwEST MONROB-PM iBOTi Ior furniture, buggies, etc. lurni-u'o. etc; advances made. Estb.lbiL Tel. 4679.
s.J -J spring hoio, yuuicy, nanuioai, and Kansas City. 7o caVry and established bu.l-nesa. Address 85, Tribune office..