Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Empero (2025)


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  • Chino tradicional (Hong Kong)
  • Chino simplificado

Quality Point(s): 107

Respuestas: 102

me gusta: 73

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  • Inglés (UK)

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (2)

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (3)


cerca de 7 horas

Show answer from the AI monga

这首歌词翻译成英语听起来很自然,符合描述拿破仑时代法国军队的氛围。其中使用了一些具有历史背景的词汇和表达方式,比如"tricolour"(三色旗)、"Emperor divine"(神圣的皇帝)、"cuirassiers"(重装骑兵)、"Imperial eagle"(帝国之鹰)等。整体上,这首歌词通过描述法国军队的强大和荣耀,展现了当时的氛围和情感。

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cerca de 5 horas

  • Inglés (UK)

Quality Point(s): 8386

Respuestas: 1954

me gusta: 1750

@acomg (Victory is ours)Victory is oursVictory is oursOur tricolour flies proud and highWith our divine Emperor we marchOnward to glory!Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand;Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder(Victory is ours)Victory is oursVictory is oursOur tricolour flies proud and highWith our divine Emperor we marchOnward to glory!Unrivalled on the continent, our legions standOur proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder!Victory is oursVictory is oursThe Imperial eagle soars over our ranksOur hearts beat as oneFor Empire and HonourLet all of Europe rise against our mightOur dauntless legions shall not quail nor falterVictory is oursVictory is oursFrom Lisbon to MoscowShould they dare to oppose FranceWe shall pursue and crush them Victory is oursVictory is oursThe Imperial eagle soars over our ranksOur hearts beat as oneFor Empire and HonourLet all of Europe rise against our mightOur dauntless legions shall not quail nor falterVictory is oursVictory is oursFrom Lisbon to MoscowShould they dare to oppose FranceWe shall pursue and crush them


(Victory is ours)

Victory is ours
Victory is ours
Our tricolour flies proud and high
With our divine Emperor we march
Onward to glory!

Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand;
Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder

(Victory is ours)

Victory is ours
Victory is ours
Our tricolour flies proud and high
With our divine Emperor we march
Onward to glory!

Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand
Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder!

Victory is ours
Victory is ours
The Imperial eagle soars over our ranks
Our hearts beat as one
For Empire and Honour

Let all of Europe rise against our might
Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter

Victory is ours
Victory is ours
From Lisbon to Moscow
Should they dare to oppose France
We shall pursue and crush them
Victory is ours
Victory is ours
The Imperial eagle soars over our ranks
Our hearts beat as one
For Empire and Honour

Let all of Europe rise against our might
Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter

Victory is ours
Victory is ours
From Lisbon to Moscow
Should they dare to oppose France
We shall pursue and crush them


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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (5)

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (12)

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (13)¿Qué significa este símbolo?

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (14)

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Emperor divine we march Onward to glory! Unrivalled on the continent, our legions stand Our proud cuirassiers shall smite our foes asunder Victory is ours Victory is ours Imperial eagle soars over our ranks Our hearts beat as one For Empire and Honour Let all of Europe rise against our might Our dauntless legions shall not quail nor falter Victory is ours Victory is ours From Lisbon to Moscow Should they dare to oppose France We shall pursue and crush them (15)

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Hello, can you check whether this lyric (a translation from another language) sounds natural? This is a song about Napoleon's French army in the 19th century. (Victory is ours) Victory is ours Victory is ours Our tricolour flies proud and high With Empero (2025)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Views: 5522

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.